"The Quiet Watch" presented by R.W. William R. Krzewick, III
Open to Masons and their male guests
Dinner at 6:30pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
Dress code: Tuxedos for Officers, Business Suit for all others.
Open to Masons and their male guests
Dinner at 6:30pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
Dress code: Tuxedos for Officers, Business Suit for all others.
Presentation by R.W. Raymond Ortiz, II
Meeting starts at 7:30pm
Master Masons Only
See the attached flyer for more details
Open to Master Masons only
Dinner at 6:30pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
Dress code: Tuxedos for Officers, Business Suit for all others.
Held at Atlas Pythagoras Lodge in Westfield, NJ
All officers are required to Attend
Dress: Business Casual no jeans allowed
Masters and Wardens Meeting to start at 6:30 P.M.
DLI to start at 7:00 P.M.
Held at The Pines Manor 2085 Route 27, Edison, NJ
Registration is required. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
All members are welcome to attend. Contact the Chairman for more details.
Held at Mt Zion Lodge in Metuchen, NJ
All officers are required to Attend
Dress: Business Casual no jeans allowed
Masters and Wardens Meeting to start at 6:30 P.M.
DLI to start at 7:00 P.M.
Dinner 6:30PM, Meeting begins 7:30PM
Dress Code: Officer – Tuxedos, Masons & male guests – business suit
Open to Master Masons
Dinner at 6:30pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
Dress code: Tuxedos for Officers, Business Suit for all others.
Held at Jerusalem Lodge No 26 in Plainfield, NJ
All officers are required to Attend
Dress: Business Casual no jeans allowed
Masters and Wardens Meeting to start at 6:30 P.M.
DLI to start at 7:00 P.M.
Dinner begins at 6:30pm
Meeting begins at 7:30pm
Meeting open to Master Masons only
Dress: Business suit, tuxedos for officers
Please RSVP with the Worshipful Master if you plan on attending
Life Line Screening will be here at Atlas Pythagoras Lodge offering safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical. 4 important screenings for only $159.00 • Carotid Artery Disease • Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) • Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) There is no time like the present to take action!! To Register Call: 877-792-8479 or visit LLSA.SOCIAL/HC
Book your rooms now
Group name: Masonic Charity Foundation of NJ/Grand Lodge of NJ
Group Code: ST11GL4
Online: https://book.passkey.com/go/st11gl4
More information about AP10 functions will follow
Open to all Masons and male guests
Dinner at 6:30pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
Dress code: Tuxedos for Officers, Business Suit for all others.
Philo Lodge #243
120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River NJ
5:00pm Social Hour
6:00pm Chinese Dinner Buffet
7:00pm Candidates Presentation
Outdoor patio will be open afterwards
Master Masons ONLY, Tickets are $40
See the Atlas Pythagoras Lodge Secretary for tickets
Open to all Masons and male guests
Dinner at 6:30pm
Meeting at 7:30pm
Dress code: Tuxedos for Officers, Business Suit for all others.
Come join your Brethern for a day of fun in the sun! Picnic will start at 11:30am. Food served 12:00-3:00pm. All are welcome to attend and bring family and friends.
Open to Fellowcraft Masons and higher
Dinner begins at 6:30 pm
Meeting begins at 7:30 pm
Dress: Business suit, tuxedos for officers
Please RSVP with the Worshipful Master if you plan on attending.
Life Line Screening will be here at Atlas Pythagores Lodge offering safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical. 4 important screenings for only $149.00 • Carotid Artery Disease • Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) • Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) There is no time like the present to take action!! To Register Call: 877-792-8479 or visit LLSA.SOCIAL/HC
Summer Picnic, Families Welcome
Held at Theodore Roosevelt Lodge No. 22 in Carteret
All officers are required to attend
Dress: Business Casual no jeans allowed
Meeting at 7:30 followed by the Table Lodge
Open to Master Masons and all male guests welcome
RSVP is a must to Mike@CornerstoneAnalytics.com
AP members free, Non-members and guests: $40
due in advance via Paypal or Venmo
Dress: Business Suit
Open to Entered Apprentice Masons and higher
Dinner begins at 6:30 pm
Meeting begins at 7:30 pm
Dress: Business suit, tuxedos for officers
Please RSVP with the Worshipful Master if you plan on attending
All members are welcome to attend. Contact the Chairman for more details.
Held at Atlas Pythagoras Lodge in Westfield
All officers are required to Attend
Dress: Business Casual no jeans allowed
Masters and Wardens Meeting to start at 6:30 P.M.
DLI to start at 7:00 P.M.
Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Open to Master Masons only
Male guests in Business Suit welcome to attend lecture
Contact the Worshipful Master for reservations
Place: Pine Manor, 2085 Route 27, Edison, NJ
6:00 to 10:00 pm
$75.00 check/$80. online payment
12th Masonic District Association of NJ
Mail to Robert Gaydosh, 212 Old York Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Place: Fellowship Center, 1114 Oxmead Rd., Burlington NJ 08016
5:00 P.M. Social, 6:00 P.M. Dinner, 7:30 P.M. Reception
$65.00 per person make checks payable to “Clifton Lodge No. 203”
Mail to: RW William Anderson,
3 Middle Lane East, Port Murry, NJ 07865
Email: wja134@gmail.com Phone: 201-522-6374
Reservation cut off date is April 12th 2024
Held at Loyalty Lodge No 33 in Rahway, NJ
All officers are required to Attend
Dress: Tuxedos with black tie. No tails.
GLI to start at 6:00 P.M.
Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Open to Master Masons only
Male guests in Business Suit welcome to attend lecture
Contact the Worshipful Master for reservations
Held at Fellowship Center, 1114 Oxmead Road, Burlington NJ
The Entered Apprentice Degree presented by R.W. Michael Neuberger
The Fellowcraft Degree presented by R.W. Michael Czech
The Master Mason Degree presented by R.W. Daniel Schittone
Open to all Master Masons
8:15 am Breakfast and Registration
9:00am to Noon Seminar
Dress code is Business Casual
Free Admission, Registration is Required by April 6, 2024
Question? Contact R.W. Mohammad Yatim, G.E. at 484-995-3337 or mayatim@hotmail.com
Register at http://tinyurl.com/mwkvstxc
Open to Entered Apprentice Masons and higher
Dinner begins at 6:30 pm
Meeting begins at 7:30 pm
Dress: Business suit, tuxedos for officers
Please RSVP with the Worshipful Master if you plan on attending
All members are welcome to attend. Contact the Chairman for more details.
Place: Fellowship Center, 1114 Oxmead Rd., Burlington NJ 08016
5:00 P.M. Social, 6:00 P.M. Dinner, 7:30 P.M. Reception
$70.00 per person make checks payable to “Clifton Lodge No. 203”
Mail to: RW William Anderson,
3 Middle Lane East, Port Murry, NJ 07865
Email: wja134@gmail.com Phone: 201-522-6374
Reservation cut off date is March 8th 2024
Business meeting followed by the presentation: The Art & Science of Dressing for Success
Delivered by Joe Savino, Owner of Adam’s Fine Clothing and David Marzano, Associate Buyer and Fashion Consultant.
Dinner 6:30PM, Meeting begins 7:30PM
Dress Code: Officer – Tuxedos, Masons & male guests – business suit
Viewing from 1:00—3:00 P.M.
Religious Service at 3:00 P.M.
Masonic Service at 3:30 P.M.
All are welcome to attend but please remember that this is for the Pace family, Please be considerate of their feelings.
Officer Dress Code is Tuxedo
1011 Central Avenue
Westfield, New Jersey 07090
(908) 233-7349