Dear Brethern,
During the month of March, we observe the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The season coincides with religious observances of renewal, resurrection, and redemption, as well as pagan celebrations of fertility. The equinox signals the return of more daylight and of warmer temperatures which encourages the growth of plant life and the birth and reawakening of fauna. The landscape becomes vibrant with life. The spring equinox marks the shift from the cold, dark dormancy of winter, to new growth of life under the light of the sun. It is no coincidence that across many cultures and religions, spring is a significant and celebrated time of the year.
In just a few weeks, our lodge will initiate new members and welcome them into our brotherhood. In the voyage of life that a Mason embarks on, it is the point of his rebirth as an upright man, young to the pure principles that Masonry extols. It is the threshold from which he takes his last step from the cold slumber of darkness into the illumination commanded by the Great Architect in the beginning of time. From this moment of first being brought to light, their rebirth as a Mason marks his equinox of growth and balance as a man for the remainder of his travels to the undiscovered.
But why should an ordinary man choose to step into the light of our fraternity? Upright men are not exclusive to Freemasonry. History gives us of many examples of men who did great good for mankind outside of our craft. However, as a soldier takes his patriotic oath and is held to higher standards than that of his civilian counterpart, as masons we deliberately take an oath and obligation to accept the higher standards of being the upright men we are charged with in our lodges.
Henry Da Silva
Worshipful Master