Dear Brethern,
In Roman mythology, Janus, is the god of beginnings, transitions, time, and endings. He was depicted as having two faces: one looking to the past and the other into the future. He symbolized change and the progress of past to future, from one condition to another, from one vision to another. It is from Janus that the beginning month of the year gets its name.
As we embark on the refreshed journey of a yet another year, we look back on the lessons learned in the year prior, reflecting on how we can apply those lessons to our future. We look back with pride at our achievements and with humility at our shortcomings. We envision anticipated new opportunities for growth and change.
Change can be unsettling, even alarming when we are unable to see where the road ahead leads to. But when the road ahead has no map for our reference, we must be resourceful. Explorers throughout history used tools and natural markers to guide them to undiscovered lands: compasses, astrolabes, quadrants, the sun and the stars in the sky above. Our craft provides us with tools to help guide and enlighten our journey as we navigate both the known and the unknown that change may bring about.
Our Masonic precepts and tenets have been handed down to us from generation to generation of Masons. It is with these tools and guides that we look to the future of our lodge and our craft as it continues its organic growth both within us as men and masons and without us in our deeds and works.
Henry Da Silva Worshipful Master